Adopting a New CCR Standard
Adopting a New CCR Standard

Revising the College and Career Readiness Standard

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future has a central goal of ensuring that all Maryland public school students are college and career ready by the end of 10th grade, signifying an ability to transition successfully to postsecondary coursework at a two- or four-year institution or to the workforce. The Blueprint set the interim College and Career Readiness (CCR) standard to be measured by meeting or exceeding the English Language Arts and math content standards on standardized assessments.

Once a student meets the CCR Standard, they enter an instructional pathway that builds on the student’s strengths. The Post-CCR Pathways allow students to develop in-depth specialization and/or earn a recognized credential. These include the IB Diploma, AP program, Dual enrollment or early college program, and Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. Additionally, Blueprint statute requires community colleges to enroll students who meet the CCR Standard into credit-bearing courses.

To move beyond the interim CCR standard, the Blueprint requires MSDE to commission an empirical study of the interim College and Career Readiness (CCR) standard. MSDE contracted with the American Institutes for Research (AIR) to conduct a multi-part study of the CCR standard that included 1) a predictive validity analysis of the interim standard; and 2) a content and standards alignment analysis to determine the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the first year at a community college or 4-year college or university. Results from the study were presented to the State Board at the September 2023 meeting.

Learn more about the empirical research study.

The Blueprint requires the empirical research study to be completed before the State Board can adopt an updated CCR Standard. At that point, The Blueprint directs the State Board to adopt a CCR Standard that reflects the results of the empirical research study.

Key Takeaways from the Empirical Research Study

The study found that an alternative CCR standard that allows students to demonstrate readiness through multiple measures by passing exams or earning a 3.0 GPA is a better predictor of post-secondary success and is more inclusive.

Percentage of students who met the CCR standard at the end of Grade 10
Among students who enrolled in a Maryland college the fall after their fourth year of high school

Percentage of students correctly classified as college ready or not college ready: with postsecondary progress benchmark of at least 12 college credits in first semester

Among students who enrolled in a Maryland college the fall after their fourth year of high school

In its empirical research study final report, AIR made the recommendation that Maryland should revise the CCR standard to assess CCR more accurately and equitably. Specifically, AIR recommends that Maryland: 

  • Provide multiple measures for students to demonstrate college and career readiness, including a GPA measure. This recommendation was a result of findings from:
    • Postsecondary stakeholders
    • Literature on bias in assessments
    • Prior research on predictive validity of measures
    • Predictive validity of the interim standard and alternative standards
  • If a GPA option is included in the CCR standard, provide guidance to local school systems to better standardize and align grading practices across the state.

Options for Revising the CCR Standard 

The two CCR Standard Options defined below are potential specifications that the Maryland State Board of Education could adopt to become the college and career readiness (CCR) standard, as required by the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future. 

The Maryland State Board of Education will host a virtual public hearing on November 9th from 4:30pm – 8:00pm regarding recommendations under consideration by the State Board to adopt a College and Career Readiness (CCR) Standard.

The State Board welcomes members of the public to offer remarks on the CCR Standard recommendations. Public comment sign-up will begin on November 2nd at 8am and will close on November 8th at 3pm. Individuals may sign-up to provide public comment.

Complete this online feedback survey to share your opinions on the CCR Standard

The State Board of Education is planning to vote on adoption of the CCR Standard during the December 5, 2023, State Board of Education Meeting.  

CCR Standard: Current State Board Proposal Under Consideration

CCR Standard: Initial Proposal, Based on the AIR Study

CCR Standard: Current State Board Proposal Under Consideration

CCR Standard: Initial Proposal, Based on the AIR Study

Submit Feedback on the CCR Study

The Maryland State Board of Education and the Maryland State Department of Education are looking for feedback about the CCR Research Study and any potential changes that will be made to the CCR Standard.
