Blueprint Pillar 5:
Governance and Accountability
The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future involves thoughtful and comprehensive coordination between many agencies and institutions at all levels of Maryland government to implement the various programs and initiatives and to transform Maryland into a world-class educational system. The Blueprint establishes the Accountability Implementation Board and Expert Review Teams program. These entities hold the State and local school systems accountable for Blueprint implementation.
Blueprint Statutory Highlights
Ensuring & Maintaining Excellence
The Accountability and Implementation Board will monitor the State’s progress towards implementing the Blueprint’s programs, initiatives and strategies. The Blueprint also establishes Expert Review Teams that allow for sharing of best practices across schools and districts, as well as supporting schools that are struggling and need assistance.
Expert Review Teams
The Expert Review Team program is designed to support the implementation of the Blueprint at the school and district levels. By reviewing available data and information, and conducting a comprehensive school visit consisting of observations, interviews, and focus groups, the Expert Review Team will identify opportunities for improving the implementation of Blueprint initiatives with a focus on student outcomes and develop recommendations for support to improve student achievement.