Blueprint Pillar 3:
College and Career Readiness

The College and Career Readiness Pillar sets a new College and Career Readiness (CCR) standard that prepares graduates for success in college and the workforce by ensuring they have the knowledge and skills to complete entry-level credit-bearing college courses and work in high-wage and high-demand industries. The Blueprint aims to have all students meet the CCR standard by the end of their 10th grade year, develops CCR-Support pathways to support students in meeting the standard, enables students to enter a Post-CCR pathway that builds on the student’s strengths, develops a Career and Technical Education (CTE) system that is aligned with industry’s needs, and ensures that prekindergarten through 12th grade curriculum, standards, and assessments are all aligned with the new CCR standard.

Blueprint Statutory Highlights

Preparing all Students for Success

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future provides access to a rigorous and meaningful education that prepares students for success in collegecareer, and life. All students, regardless of family income, race, ethnicity, and/or ability shall have equitable access to new curricula and college and career pathways.


Adopting A New College and Career Readiness Standard

MSDE commissioned two research studies to determine the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in an entry-level college course. Both studies explore alternative methods of demonstrating College and Career Readiness, such as GPA and course completion.


Pathways for all Students

Students will have access to several college and career pathways at no cost them. Pathways are flexible, allowing students to develop in-depth knowledge of a subject area, earn postsecondary credits or industry credentials, and/or engage in competitive entry college preparation programs.


Featured Report

College and Career Readiness: Roadmap to Implementation Report – Updated
August 2022

This report presents an update on the preparation for implementing Pillar 3: College and Career Readiness, which reimagines what today’s students must know and be able to do by the end of the 10th grade. The Blueprint establishes the standard that will signify a student is college and career ready. Once a student is designated as meeting or exceeding the CCR standard, they will pursue college and career pathways.

Student Supports

The Blueprint builds a vision of a school environment where any student who needs additional supports beyond the standard instructional expectations has access to and benefits from these supports as much as necessary. A major component of these additional supports is the Support Pathway for 11th and 12th grade students who have not yet demonstrated readiness for college and career. These students will receive appropriate individualized services, support, and instruction, which will include culturally responsive lessons and project-based learning.

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