Blueprint Pillar 2:
High Quality and Diverse Teachers and Leaders
The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is elevating the stature of the teaching profession through the implementation of a career ladder, competitive salaries, including raising starting pay to $60,000, incentives for National Board Certified teachers up to $17,000, as well as raising expectations for teacher preparation, induction, and mentoring programs to attract and retain high-quality teachers.
Blueprint Statutory Highlights
Creating More Opportunities for Teachers
The Blueprint creates an opportunity to attract and retain our educator workforce through significant increases in salary and career growth opportunities. The priority of this work is to turn teaching into a high-status profession that top-performing Maryland high school graduates want to pursue.
Elevating the Teaching Profession
Maryland is focused on growing the pipeline of teachers who want to transform Maryland education and accelerate academic achievement for all students, especially those who have been historically underserved. Learn more about how to become a teacher in Maryland and explore available financial incentives and scholarship opportunities.
With the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, teaching has never been more rewarding! With higher salaries, career ladders, job-embedded professional development, scholarships, grants, and the support needed to succeed, there’s never been a better time to become a Maryland teacher. Join us in transforming Maryland education.

With the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, teaching has never been more rewarding! With higher salaries, career ladders, job-embedded professional development, scholarships, grants, and the support needed to succeed, there’s never been a better time to become a Maryland teacher. Join us in transforming Maryland education.