Blueprint for Maryland’s Future:
Implementation Timeline
The Blueprint For Maryland’s Future will have a phased-in implementation over 10 years. The Implementation Timeline below includes examples of key initiatives and milestones.
January 2022
The Accountability and Implementation Board holds their first public meetings following their formal appointment.
July 2022
Local school systems must begin working with eligible private prekindergarten providers in their community to develop a coordinated mixed delivery system to expand family choices.
Initial salary increases associated with the career ladder and the National Board Certification process begin. This includes a $10,000 salary increase for eligible classroom teachers with National Board Certification as well as an additional $7,000 for eligible teachers assigned to teach in an identified low performing school.
September 2022
Maryland State Department of Education submits the proposed Criteria for Success for implementation plans to the Accountability and Implementation Board.
December 2022
The Accountability and Implementation Board adopts Blueprint Comprehensive Implementation Plan and Criteria for Success.
March 2023
Initial Blueprint Implementation Plans are due from local school systems, Maryland State Department of Education, and other agencies responsible for implementing components of the Blueprint.
July 2023
By the 2023–2024 school year, each local school system, in collaboration with the community colleges, shall develop and implement a program of study for students who have not met the College and Career Readiness standard by the end of the 10th grade.
Beginning in the 2023–2024 school year, each local school system shall provide all students who meet the College and Career Readiness standard with access to the statutorily required post College and Career Readiness (post–CCR) pathways, at no cost to the student or the student’s parents/guardians, including the cost of any fees.
September 2023
The rigorous, independent research study regarding setting Maryland’s new College and Career Readiness standard is complete. The findings of this study will inform the Maryland’s State Board of Education’s adoption of a new College and Career Readiness standard.
July 2024
Local school systems begin implementing a new career ladder system aligned to the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future.
July 2026
Minimum teacher salary in Maryland must be at least $60,000 in every local school system by this date.