Special Education Workgroup Requirements

Task ID Requirement
4.3.2 MSDE shall establish a workgroup to collect student data and review instructional methods provided to
students who receive special education services.

The workgroup shall collect data on the number and percent of students receiving special education
services at each P-12 school, the services available to them, and the accessibility of P-12 teachers,
administrators, and staff to these students and their families.

MSDE and AIB shall identify workgroup members representing various special education interests
who demonstrate commitment to diversity, equity, and expertise.

The workgroup shall share its work plan with the AIB and provide regular updates on its progress.


The workgroup shall review methods of teaching for students who receive special education services in public
P-12 schools in the State.

The workgroup’s review shall include methods used in the State and other states and other countries,
including addressing learning loss related to COVID-19, in addition to recruiting special education teachers and

The workgroup may expand the scope of its review based on recommendations of its members and/or AIB and
MSDE to include topics like the impact of teacher shortages on special education and resulting quality or
services provided; supports provided to special educators; co-teaching models and supporting general
educators in implementing co-teaching models as well as supporting special education students when a special
educator is not providing services; increasing family involvement and collaboration in special education
programming; and how
top-performing systems structure the school day to effectively provide remediation and special education services.


The workgroup shall make recommendations on improving the education of students receiving special
education services in P-12 schools in the State, including whether additional funding is needed and addressing
learning loss as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The workgroup may make other recommendations related to additional topics studied by the workgroup.

4.3.3 The workgroup submits a final report with its findings and recommendations, including addressing learning
loss resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

AIB shall incorporate the workgroup’s findings and recommendations into the updated Blueprint Comprehensive
Implementation Plan.

The workgroup shall submit an initial report of its findings and recommendations to the Governor and
General Assembly by 12/1/23, an interim report by 7/1/24, and a final report by 12/1/24.

4.3.3(b) MSDE and LSSs shall implement the workgroup’s recommendations to improve the education of students
receiving special education services in Maryland P-12 schools.