Maryland EXCELS reports that in July 2024, the program awarded bonuses to 154 licensed child care centers and registered family child care homes. The bonus amounts range from $1,000 to $13,500 and are awarded to child care programs that publish any quality ratings for the first time, raise their quality ratings, or republish a quality rating of 4 or 5.
MD Leads Spotlight: Caroline County
jmccraw2023-10-04T16:28:52+00:00The transition from middle school to high school can be challenging for many students, but Caroline County Public Schools has taken innovative steps to make this transition smoother. Leveraging the Maryland Leads grant program and partnering with BARR (Building Assets, Reducing Risk), they have created an innovative 9th Grade Academy at North Caroline High School.
MSDE’s Blueprint Implementation Plan
ahoran2023-09-07T18:17:22+00:00MSDE's Blueprint Implementation Plan focuses on utilizing equitable decision making to deliver greater opportunities for all students and the promise of a better future for every Maryland child. Equity is not an add-on, but instead must be a running thread in the Department and everything it does, MSDE values the incredible direction that the Blueprint offers and is laser-focused on leading the implementation of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future.
Special Education Workgroup
ahoran2023-08-21T20:35:39+00:00This workgroup discusses and provides recommendations on instruction and services for students with disabilities. MSDE is deeply invested in the success of students with disabilities and ensuring that all Blueprint-related programming occurs based on the best-in-class evidence-based research and strategies.
Maryland Consortium on Coordinated Community Supports
jmccraw2024-10-17T15:15:34+00:00The Maryland Community Health Resources Commission (CHRC) is responsible for providing staff support for the Consortium. The CHRC will be working closely with the Administration, Maryland State Department of Education, Maryland Department of Health, Maryland General Assembly, and other key stakeholders to help recruit qualified individuals to serve on the Consortium.
Expert Review Teams
tsebekoswilliams2022-11-30T18:41:37+00:00The Expert Review Team program is designed to support the implementation of the Blueprint at the school and district levels. By reviewing available data and information, and conducting a comprehensive school visit consisting of observations, interviews, and focus groups, the Expert Review Team will identify opportunities for improving the implementation of Blueprint initiatives with a focus on student outcomes and develop recommendations for support to improve student achievement.