Blueprint Special Education Workgroup
On December 1, 2022, the Blueprint Accountability and Implementation Board (AIB) adopted its Initial Blueprint Comprehensive Implementation Plan. The Implementation Plan outlines recommendations for the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) to convene a Blueprint Special Education Workgroup to discuss and make recommendations on instruction and services for students with disabilities. MSDE is deeply invested in the success of students with disabilities and ensuring that all Blueprint-related programming occurs based on the best-in-class evidence-based research and strategies. Doing so is essential for the growth of our students with disabilities, particularly given the disproportionality of identification and service requirements.
Workgroup Meetings
MSDE welcomes meaningful input and public engagement to determine how we reduce the opportunity and achievement gaps for students with disabilities compared to same age peers. To address the specified requirements of the AIB Plan, MSDE will host a series of meetings beginning in August 2023. Each meeting will be focused on a guiding question and include a spotlight on best practices and research on the topic. Meetings will be held in person with a virtual option. The hybrid format will enable national experts and researchers to present and answer questions from Workgroup members and allow critical stakeholders to provide public comment at the beginning of each session.
Initial & Interim Reports
This Workgroup’s initial report provided background information, data, national best practices, and research, as well as initial findings and recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly by 12/1/23. An interim report will build on that report and be submitted by 7/1/24.
Final Report on Special Education
This Workgroup’s final report will build upon the previous reports, summarizing all research, data, and meaningful input and public engagement. This final report will present a full set of recommendations designed to evolve Maryland’s existing policies and practices to determine how we reduce the opportunity and achievement gaps for students with disabilities compared to same age peers.
In-Person and Virtual Public Comment Guidelines and Procedures
Members of the public are encouraged to submit comment(s)/feedback to the Workgroup to share their views on issues pertaining to improving the education of students receiving special education services in P-12 schools in the state. The process for signing up and providing public testimony is outlined below. If you have any questions about this process, please submit them to carmen.brown1@maryland.gov.
All speakers shall conduct themselves in a respectful, civil manner. Although Workgroup members do not respond to the comments during this segment of the meeting, the members do listen and may use this information for later Workgroup discussions.
Process for Public Comment
- Registration will open a week prior to the Workgroup meeting date and close at 3 p.m. on the last business day preceding the meeting.
- Individuals may sign-up to provide public comment at the next Workgroup meeting by completing this form.
- Sign-up for public comment is limited to 10 speakers and registration is first-come, first served. You will receive a notice to confirm your registration. If you are providing comments virtually, you will be provided with instructions on how to connect to the meeting. Once registration has reached capacity, individuals may be placed on a waiting list. Individuals on the waiting list will be notified up to one day prior to the meeting if a space becomes available.
- The Workgroup designee will explain the meeting procedures and call on speakers in order of their registration.
- Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. Time will be monitored by staff through the use of a timer. When that time expires, the speaker is permitted to complete a sentence but should make no further remarks.
- Public comment submissions may not be related to personnel matters or issues pending in appeals to a local board or to the State Board.
- Members of the public can also submit their comments in writing to the Workgroup at carmen.brown1@maryland.gov for distribution to all members.
Workgroup Meetings
Location of Meetings
All meetings will be held at the Maryland State Department of Education located at 200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201 in the 7th floor Board Room with a virtual option for attendance. Members of the public will be able to hear and view the livestream of the meeting in real time.
Guiding Questions:
What is the state of students with disabilities in Maryland? How do we overcome persistent barriers to effective implementation?
Workgroup members will convene to understand Workgroup responsibilities, hear from MSDE staff who will provide a data dive for the Workgroup to consider as they develop recommendations to educate students with disabilities in the state, participate in a discussion about previous studies to support students with disabilities, and learn how Lexington, Massachusetts significantly closed the achievement gaps for special education, minority, and low-income students.
Guest Speaker:
Paul B. Ash, Ph.D., former superintendent of schools in Lexington, Massachusetts is a recognized national consultant and expert on closing achievement gaps.
MSDE Presentations:
Guiding Questions:
What are existing standards and expectations under IDEA for the progress students with disabilities should be able to achieve? How do we ensure the IEP goals are set that are appropriately ambitious?
Workgroup members will convene to participate in a summary of recommendations from prior workgroups and taskforces on special education in Maryland. They will hear about the IEP framework and Maryland student performance and review research for consideration as they develop recommendations to improve the IEP process to ensure that students are enabled to narrow the achievement gap and achieve grade level standards.
- Quenemoen, R.F., & Thurlow, M. L. (2019) Students with disabilities in educational policy, practice and professional judgment: What should we expect? (NCEO Report 413). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, National Center on Educational Outcomes.
- McLaughlin, M. J. (2022). Promise and Potential of the IEP: Can This Vision Be Realized? The Special Edge 36(2).
Workgroup Overview:
Workgroup members will convene to explore tiered interventions leading to improved outcomes for ALL students. Experts, Kalman (Buzzy) Hettleman and Rachel Quenemoen, M.S., will guide the Workgroup in understanding MTSS/RTI frameworks. Rachel Quenemoen will further guide the Workgroup to consider the data/information necessary to move this work forward to benefit all students throughout Maryland.
Guiding Questions:
How can general and special education be more effectively integrated so that the instruction and built-in supports in general education can better meet the needs of students, resulting in fewer referrals and identification?
Many of the Workgroup’s forthcoming topics will look at various aspects of integrating general and special education (e.g., teacher preparation and professional learning; collaboration time; instructional strategies; staffing models). For the next two sessions, we are interested in exploring frameworks that best support students with disabilities within general education. Specifically, we will turn to Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS).
- Thurlow, M. L., Ghere, G., Lazarus, S. S., & Liu, K. K. (2020, January). MTSS for all: Including students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, National Center on Educational Outcomes/TIES Center.
- Briesch, A. M., Chafouleas, S. M., Nissen, K., & Long, S. (2019). A review of state-level procedural guidance for implementing Multi-Tiered Systems of Behavioral Support (MTSS-B). Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions
- Hettleman, K.R. (2023). Working paper: Integration of General Education and Special Education Prepared for the Special Education Workgroup meeting on Nov. 1, 2023. Unpublished manuscript.
- Welcome to Moving Your Numbers. (n.d.)
- Ohio Leadership Advisory Council. (n.d.)
Guest Presentations
- Rachel F. Quenemoen, M.S., What’s Next MD Reflections
- Rachel F. Quenemoen, M.S., Standards IEP Tool
- Kalman (Buzzy) Hettleman, Mislabeled as Disabled: The Educational Abuse of Struggling Readers and How WE Can Fight It.
Workgroup Overview:
Workgroup members will continue to explore tiered interventions leading to improved outcomes for ALL students. Rebecca Zumeta Edmonds, Managing Research at the AIR, will guide the Workgroup to consider what is necessary to fully implement MTSS throughout Maryland. The workgroup will also participate in small group discussions to identify barriers and curate recommendations for Maryland implementation.
Guiding Questions:
How can general and special education be more effectively integrated so that the instruction and built-in supports in general education can better meet the needs of students, resulting in fewer referrals and identification?
- MTSS: What is a Multi-Tiered System of Supports? (Recent brief piece in EdWeek)
- Response to Intervention (RTI)/Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS): A Nationwide Analysis (Journal of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies)—This is a piece that looks at the national landscape of state MTSS implementation. Copyright rules prevent me from sending the pdf, but here here is the abstract and full citation.
Guest Presentation:
- Rebecca Zumeta Edmonds: Getting Ready for MTSS
Special Education Workgroup Presentation:
Additional Requested Data:
Virtual-Only Meeting:
This meeting is only virtual. Please use the YouTube Link to watch it.
- Breakout Room 1 YouTube
- Breakout Room 2 YouTube
- Breakout Room 3 (YouTube TBA)
- Breakout Room 4 YouTube
- Breakout Room 5 YouTube
Workgroup Overview:
Workgroup members will delve into the development of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) as well as the use of Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities. A panel of experts from the Workgroup will share their experiences with SDI, and Workgroup members will participate in breakout groups and share highlights of those breakouts with the larger group.
Guiding Questions:
What evidence-based instruction and related services will enable all students with disabilities to meet the standards and expectations under IDEA?
Virtual-Only Meeting:
This meeting will be held in a virtual format ONLY. Please use the YouTube Link to watch it.
- Breakout Room 1 YouTube
- Breakout Room 2 YouTube
- Breakout Room 3 YouTube TBA
- Breakout Room 4 YouTube
- Breakout Room 5 YouTube
Workgroup Overview:
Workgroup members will develop recommendations to enhance technical assistance developed and provided by MSDE, inform critical uniform data elements, and address improvements to MSDE monitoring protocols. Workgroup members will participate in breakout groups and share highlights of those breakouts with the larger group and hear from the President of the Maryland State Education Association.
Guiding Questions:
How can MSDE ensure the effective implementation of IEPs, including technical assistance, monitoring, and uniform data collection?
- Discussion Notes for Briefing Paper
- Accountability to Improve Performance AIP): One-Page Summary Sheet
- State Education Agency Technical Assistance Assistance Models
- Guest Speaker: Cheryl Bost, President, Maryland State Education Association
- Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Special Education Workgroup
Additional Documentation:
Virtual-Only Meeting:
This meeting will be held in a virtual format ONLY. Please use the YouTube Link to watch it.
- Breakout Room 1 YouTube
- Breakout Room 2 YouTube
- Breakout Room 3 YouTube
- Breakout Room 4 Part 1 YouTube
- Breakout Room 4 Part 2 YouTube
- Breakout Room 5 YouTube TBA
Workgroup Overview:
Workgroup members will discuss recommendations derived from the February meeting and collaborate through small and large group discussions to address the multi-layered guiding questions below.
Guiding Questions:
- What are the knowledge, skills, and expertise that general and special educators need to effectively teach all students, including students with disabilities?
- How can educator preparation programs and licensure requirements for certification and recertification be better aligned to these knowledge, skills, and expertise?
- What is the role of Higher Education vs. LEAs in developing the required knowledge, skills, and expertise? What short- and long-term strategies will enhance supply and encourage retention of general and special educators?
Virtual-Only Meeting:
This meeting will be held in a virtual format ONLY. Please use the YouTube Link to watch it.
- Breakout Room 1 YouTube
- Breakout Room 2 YouTube TBA
- Breakout Room 3 YouTube TBA
- Breakout Room 4 YouTube TBA
- Breakout Room 5 YouTube TBA
Workgroup Overview:
Workgroup members will discuss recommendations derived from the March meeting and collaborate through small and large group discussions to discuss what standards for evidence-based staffing models in special education and related services could be implemented in Maryland that would improve student outcomes and be sustainable, as well as what standards and guidance MSDE could offer to define and ensure appropriately trained and supervised staff are available throughout the systems?
Guiding Questions:
- What evidence-based staffing models aligned with service delivery models for special education and related services could be implemented that would improve student achievement, be sustainable, improve working conditions, and encourage retention of educators?
Virtual-Only Meeting:
This meeting will be held in a virtual format ONLY. Please use the YouTube Link to watch it.
Workgroup Overview:
Workgroup members will discuss recommendations identified in the April meeting and collaborate through small and large group discussions to discuss what adequate funding for special education looks like and how inadequate funding impacts students’ access to a free appropriate public education. The Workgroup will discuss six (6) questions to guide this discussion.
Guiding Questions:
- Is funding for special education adequate? How can MSDE require LEAs to use special education funding under the Blueprint to supplement (not supplant) funding for special education services? What are options for short-term funding increases?
Virtual-Only Meeting:
This meeting will be held in a virtual format ONLY. Please use the YouTube Link to watch it.
Workgroup Overview:
Workgroup members will discuss recommendations identified in the May meeting, hear about current State funding efforts underway, be led through a discussion on the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) and their implications for students with disabilities. Then, the Workgroup will collaborate through small and large group discussions to provide input to the following questions to guide the development of recommendations.
Guiding Questions:
- What steps can be taken in policy and statewide standards of practice to advance the legal requirement in IDEA that students, regardless of disability category and type of assessment in which they participate, be educated in the least restrictive environment?
- What are the impacts of Maryland’s historic reliance on placements in public and nonpublic separate schools to educate a significant percentage of students with disabilities?
Virtual-Only Meeting:
This meeting will be held in a virtual format ONLY. Please use the YouTube Link to watch it.
Workgroup Overview:
Workgroup members will discuss recommendations identified in the June meeting pertaining to Least Restrictive Environment. The focus of the July meeting will be Significant Disproportionality. The workgroup will hear about current State efforts underway to address discriminant practices and be led through a discussion on the implications for students with disabilities. Then, the Workgroup will collaborate through small and large group discussions to provide input to the following questions to guide the development of recommendations.
- What criteria determine whether an LEA is identified as significantly disproportionate and what roles does the flexibility option play in identifying significant disproportionality?
- Should MD consider revising its methodology for identifying Sig Dis in any way in order to more directly target support where it is most needed?
- What factors might explain the increase in the number of LEAs in Maryland identified as significantly disproportionate from 2023 to 2024? What supports may help LEAs address these factors?
- How can identifying root causes of disproportionality inform corrective action?
- How do we ensure structured, systemic changes that are not culturally void and take the diversity of Maryland’s classrooms into account?
- What is your feedback on the current supports from MSDE to help LEAs reduce disproportionality?
- What recommendations do you have on specific steps that MSDE can take to help LEAs reduce disproportionality?
- Several areas have been identified to address the problem of Significant Disproportionality. With respect to (a) MSDE support of LEAs and (b) LEA action plans, what additional ideas do you have for addressing significant disproportionality, such as:
- Ensuring access of all students to high-quality evidence-based instructional practices
- Eligibility process: use of screeners, specialized assessment/evaluation tools, etc.
- Discipline alternatives, understanding behavior
- Economic, cultural, and linguistic barriers to appropriate identification and placement?
Guiding Questions:
- What statewide policies, practices, and standards should be considered to address the discriminate practices for economically disadvantaged students and Black or Brown for discipline and identification with certain types of disabilities?
Virtual-Only Meeting:
This meeting will be held in a virtual format ONLY. Please use the YouTube Link to watch it.
Workgroup Overview:
Workgroup members will discuss recommendations identified in the July meeting as well as revised recommendations from the June meeting. Additionally, there will be a review of findings from small group discussions held in August with Workgroup members. The focus of the September meeting will be Early Intervention and Early Childhood Education. The Workgroup will review current State and federal laws, as well as Blueprint efforts requirements to expand the use of best practices supporting students in early intervention and preschool programs. Finally, the Workgroup will collaborate through small and large group discussions to provide input to the following questions to guide the development of recommendations.
- How can the State support LITPs to implement evidence-based practices in early intervention that meet the individual needs of children in their natural environments and their families?
- How can the State improve access to high-quality inclusive child care for families with children with disabilities?
- How can the state’s implementation of Pillar 1 of the Blueprint ensure that the expansion of preschool for 3- and 4-year olds through both private and public providers increases access to inclusive high-quality preschool for all young children with disabilities?
- What does MD need to do to comply with federal and state law (FAPE) and meet the intent of the Blueprint to include children with disabilities in Tier 1 for prioritization and funding?
- How can or should previous recommendations and implementation plans of the Workgroup be expanded to address related challenges raised in the area of Early Childhood (e.g., staff shortages, and disproportional identification and placement of young children with disabilities)?
- What additional questions, comments, or suggestions do you have about the implementation of early intervention services and preschool special education for students with disabilities in Maryland?
Guiding Question:
- How can statewide policies, practices, standards, and funding ensure young children with disabilities are prepared for kindergarten, have meaningful access and opportunities to learn and play alongside their peers without disabilities in their natural environment?
- Disproportionality Proposed Recommendation (REV)
- Sig Dis Feedback From Exit Ticket
- Least Restrictive Environment Proposed Recommendation
- A Prioritized Plan to Improve Outcomes for Students with Disabilities in Maryland
Virtual-Only Meeting:
This meeting will be held in a virtual format ONLY. Please use the YouTube Link to watch it.
Workgroup Overview:
Workgroup members will participate in a discussion of recommendations derived from small and large group discussions and exit tickets from the September meeting. The focus of the October meeting will be Authentic Family Partnerships. The Workgroup will review current research on best practices for engagement and collaborate through small and large group discussions and provide input to the following questions to guide the development of recommendations.
- What are the specific areas of capacity building needed within our schools and systems to support authentic family-school partnership? How should the State support this capacity building?
- How can state policy and guidance ensure that parents are full and equal partners in the special education process (e.g., addressing language/cultural barriers, ensuring parents are fully informed, etc.)?
- What specific changes would you recommend within the special education process, including the resolution of disagreements and disputes, that would maintain and reinforce trust and positive family-school partnership?
Guiding Question:
- How can authentic family-school partnerships be strengthened, particularly to support infants, toddlers, and students with disabilities?
- Summary Survey Results School Family Partnership
- Authentic Family School Partnership
- Blueprint SEW Roundtable Summary
Virtual-Only Meeting:
This meeting will be held in a virtual format ONLY. Please use the YouTube Link to watch it.
Workgroup Overview:
Workgroup members will participate in a review of recommendations derived from small and large group discussions and exit tickets regarding Authentic Family Partnerships. The Workgroup will be provided an overview of Secondary Transition practices and support for students, including students with disabilities. The Workgroup will also engage through small and large group discussions and provide input on Secondary Transition to guide the development of recommendations.
Guiding Question:
- How can predictors of post-school success be embedded in the IEP/transition process?
- How can Maryland ensure that all students with disabilities upon exit from school are connected to a post-school pathway?
- How can the programs and policies of the College and Career Readiness Pillar of the Blueprint explicitly include all students with disabilities?
Virtual-Only Meeting:
This meeting will be held in a virtual format ONLY. Please use the YouTube Link to watch it.
Workgroup Overview:
Workgroup members will participate in a review of recommendations derived from small and large group discussions and exit tickets regarding Secondary Transition. The Workgroup will hear about the Alternate Framework and have received pre-reading pertaining to law and current regulations as well as Maryland implementation of those laws and regulations. The Workgroup will engage through small and large group discussions and provide input to guide the development of recommendations.
Guiding Question:
- What statewide policies, standards and guidance should MSDE establish and provide for the appropriate identification of students eligible to take the alternate assessment and to improve the educational experiences and long-term outcomes for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities?
Virtual-Only Meeting:
This meeting will be held in a virtual format ONLY. Please use the YouTube Link to watch it.
Workgroup Overview:
Workgroup members will participate in a review of recommendations derived from small and large group discussions and exit tickets from the last meeting. The Workgroup will hear about the Behavior and Discipline and have received pre-reading providing context and data. The Workgroup will engage through small and large group discussions and provide input to guide the development of recommendations.
Guiding Question:
- What statewide policies, practices, and supports should MSDE establish and provide to prevent exclusionary discipline and strengthen the development of students’ lagging skills and coping skills to minimize concerning behavior?
Will be posted following the Workgroup Meeting