Workgroup on Multilingual Learners in Public Schools
With its emphasis on equity, the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future established the Workgroup on multilingual learners in Public Schools and charged it to study the availability of and access to resources for multilingual learners and their families and make recommendations that will accelerate their academic achievement. This workgroup is charged with accelerating the academic achievement of more than 98,800 multilingual students. Maryland’s population of multilingual learners is fast-growing and will shape the demographics of the State and country for years to come.
Workgroup Meetings
To address the specified requirements and position Maryland as a national leader to support multilingual learners, the ML Workgroup held a series of 16 meetings from August 2021 to October 2022. Each meeting focused on a guiding question and included a spotlight on national best practices and research on the topic. The virtual format enabled national experts and researchers to present and answer questions from Workgroup members. MSDE staff provided an overview of Maryland’s existing policy and practices as well as an examination of pertinent data. Each meeting included an opportunity for community partners and Workgroup members to provide input and discuss the topic.
Final Report for Workgroup on Multilingual Learners in Public Schools
This Workgroup’s final report builds on the 2021 interim report and includes background information, national best practices, and research shared at the sixteen Workgroup meetings held starting in August 2021 through October 2022. Most importantly, this report presents a set of recommendations designed to evolve Maryland’s existing policies and practices to focus on the assets of our multilingual learners and ensure the best-in-class education for them.
This is not just another report. These recommendations will have serious implications for how the State chooses to educate multilingual learners going forward. The success of multilingual learners will determine Maryland’s future success.
Download Final Report for the Workgroup of Multilingual Learners in Public Schools
Download Final Report for the Workgroup of Multilingual Learners in Public Schools (Spanish)
Interim Report: Workgroup of Multilingual Learners in Public Schools
Interim Report: Workgroup of Multilingual Learners in Public Schools (Spanish)
Workgroup Meeting Spotlight
Guiding Question:
How can Marylands Accountability System promote transparency and improve outcomes for multilingual learners at all stages of language development?
How can Marylands Accountability System promote transparency and improve outcomes for multilingual learners at all stages of language development?
Important Resources
Past Workgroup Meetings
Guiding Questions:
How can Maryland leverage external partners to better support multilingual learners and their families? How will the recommendations from the ML Workgroup report impact the day-to-day work of educators’ roles and responsibilities?
Workgroup members reflected on the recommendations that will be included in the final report and the actions that the state and LSSs will need to take to implement them, including professional learning, fiscal decisions, and policy actions.
Guest Speakers
A panel of students and parents shared their perspectives on the benefits of programming provided by CASA de Maryland.
MSDE Presentation
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: Multilingual Learners (ML) Workgroup Presentation
Guiding Question:
How can Maryland align the science of reading and structured literacy with best Multilingual language development practices to improve reading outcomes for multilingual learners?
MSDE staff presented the Science of Reading strategy area in the Maryland Leads grant initiative.
Guest Speakers
Dr. Elsa Cardenas-Hagan, President of Valley Speech Language and Learning Center; Dr. Antonio Fierro, Independent Reading Consultant; and Dr. Claude Goldenberg, former Professor of Education at Stanford Graduate School of Education, provided national perspectives and key research findings, challenges, and policy recommendations for EL literacy programs.
Sherry Eichinger-Wilson and Tammy Zino-Seergae, Cecil County Public Schools, shared information on the county’s literacy program and essential components for ELs.
Guest Presentation
Bookworms: The Science of Reading & Multilingual Learners
MSDE Presentation
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: Multilingual Learners (ML) Workgroup Presentation
Guiding Questions:
How can Maryland ensure that high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) processes include multilingual learners?
MSDE staff explained Maryland’s existing process and practices for the selection of instructional materials for MLs at the state and LEA level.
Guest Speakers
Jennifer Aguirre and Julie Lara, Texas Education Agency, provided an overview of the Texas Resource Review and supports for MLs.
Jessica Carman, Louisiana Department of Education, introduced the instructional materials review process and the diverse learner indicator.
Guest Presentations
Supporting English Learner Success with HQIM
Instructional Materials Review Process
MSDE Presentation
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: Multilingual Learners (ML) Workgroup Presentation
Guiding Question:
How can Maryland’s accountability system promote transparency and improve outcomes for multilingual learners at all stages of language development?
Guest Speakers
Cindy Kazanis, Kimberly Mundhenk, and Justin Lane, California Department of Education provided information on MLs in the state’s accountability and reporting system.
Bob Measel, Pennsylvania Department of Education, introduced multiple measures included in the state policy for reclassification of MLs.
Guest Presentations
Reclassification, Monitoring, and Re-designation of English Learners (ELs)
English Learner Students in California
MSDE Presentation
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: Multilingual Learners (ML) Workgroup Presentation
Guiding Questions:
How can Maryland’s accountability system promote transparency and improve outcomes for multilingual learners at all stages of language development?
MSDE staff provided an overview of Maryland’s existing accountability and reporting system and a data deep dive on how MLs score on Accountability System measures relative to their peers.
Guest Speaker
Dr. Karen Thompson, Oregon State University presented research and recommendations regarding ML accountability and reporting.
Guest Presentation
Improving Understanding of English Learner Education through an Expanded Analytics Analytics Framework
MSDE Presentation
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: Multilingual Learners (ML) Workgroup Presentation
Guiding Question:
How can Maryland ensure that local education agencies (LEAs) best deploy their funds to support equitable, high-quality education for MLs and their families?
MSDE staff summarized federal funding sources that can be braided to maximize resources for multilingual learners and their families.
Guest Speaker
Kelly Alvarez, EL Education Consultant, Michigan Department of Education, introduced the state’s Section 41 Bilingual Education Funding, targeted supports for ELs.
Guest Presentation
Michigan State Department of Education: Section 41 Bilingual Education Funding Presentation
MSDE Presentation
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: Multilingual Learners (ML) Workgroup Presentation
Guiding Questions:
What funding policies will support equitable education for multilingual learners and their families in Maryland?
MSDE staff introduced Maryland’s state formula aid and the impact of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future on funding to support MLs.
Guest Speakers
Frank Patinella, American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland, and members of Community WELL, participated in a panel discussion about priorities for EL funding.
Zahava Stadler, Special Assistant for State Funding and Policy, The Education Trust, presented policy recommendations on structuring state education funding formulas for ELs.
MSDE Presentation
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: Multilingual Learners (ML) Workgroup Presentation
Guiding Question:
How can Maryland improve services for middle and high school multilingual learners and their families?
MSDE staff presented a data deep dive on secondary-level MLs in the state, including their educational outcomes compared to those of their peers.
Guest Speakers
Dr. Eunice Humphrey, Principal of the International High School at Langley Park, Prince George’s County Public Schools, presented information on the Internationals Network.
Flavia Molea Balker, ML/EL Coordinator, Rhode Island Department of Education, presented the state’s initiatives to support English learners with inconsistent/interrupted formal education (SIFE).
Dr. Lindsay Walberg, Program Specialist, Montgomery County Public Schools, introduced the GED Option Program, Career Readiness Education Academy (CREA) for older ELs.
Guest Presentations
PGCPC International High School at Langley Park Presentation
Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) Presentation
Montgomery County Public Schools Career Readiness Education
MSDE Presentation
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: Multilingual Learners (ML) Workgroup Presentation
Guiding Questions:
What challenges do multilingual families face navigating the educational system in Maryland? How can the ML Workgroup collaborate with community organizations to establish a comprehensive language access policy?
Guest Speaker
Gustavo Torres, Executive Director of CASA de Maryland, provided background information on CASA, its educational initiatives, multigenerational approach, and specific programs tailored to the immigrant community
Guest Presentation
CASA EL Workgroup Presentation
MSDE Presentation
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: Multilingual Learners (ML) Workgroup Presentation
Guiding Question:
What are the model policies, laws, and regulations that ensure the success of multilingual learners? How can we ensure that schools and local education agencies promote and sustain environments where families can easily access resources and translation services?
Guest Speaker
Dr. Olivia Hernandez, San Antonio Independent School District, explained paradigm shifts, Texas law, and best in class policies and practices that have expanded dual language offerings and scaled student academic success.
Guest Presentation
Maryland English Learner Work Group: San Antonio ISD
MSDE Presentation
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: Multilingual Learners (ML) Workgroup Presentation
Guiding Question:
What are the model policies, laws, and regulations that ensure the success of multilingual learners?
Guest Speaker
Julie Lara, Ph.D., Texas Education Agency, provided information on state laws and policies, funding, and initiatives that support emergent bilinguals in the state.
Guest Presentation
Maryland Department of Education Working Group
MSDE Presentation
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: Multilingual Learners (ML) Workgroup Presentation
Guiding Question:
What are the model policies, laws, and regulations that ensure the success of multilingual learners?
Overview of New York State Programs to Support Multilingual Learners, Including English Language Learners
Guest Speakers
Kristin Percy Calaff, Ph.D., from Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, shared the state’s vision, policies, laws, and funding that support its dual language initiative.
Elisa Alvarez of the New York State Education Department provided an overview of New York’s state programs to support English learners.
Guest Presentation
Washington State’s P-12 Dual Language Initiative
MSDE Presentation
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: Multilingual Learners (ML) Workgroup Presentation
Guiding Question:
What are the benefits of dual language programs for all students?
MSDE staff introduced a preliminary analysis of opportunities to scale dual language immersion programs in Maryland’s LEAs.
Guest Speakers
Dr. Jennifer L. Steele of American University shared recent national research on dual language immersion education and its implications for English learners.
Presentations on dual language immersion programs in Maryland were given by Carmen Henninger and Jane Tarwacki from Prince George’s County Public Schools and Tamara Hewlett and Andy Gomez of Montgomery County Public Schools.
Guest Presentations
Opportunities for Dual Language Learning in Maryland (Preliminary Analysis)
Dual Language Immersion Education, Recent Research and Implication for English Learners
MSDE Presentation
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: Multilingual Learners (ML) Workgroup Presentation
Guiding Question:
What practices support equitable access by MLs and their families to ELD-trained teachers and multilingual staff?
MSDE staff provided a 50-state comparison of ESOL certification, bilingual certification, and EL training for all teachers as well as Maryland certification regulations. A data deep dive included certification status and demographic information on ESOL teachers in the state.
Guest Speakers
Sarah Neville-Morgan, Alesha Moreno-Ramirez, Elena Fajardo, and Marcela Rodriguez of the California Department of Education (CDE) shared laws, policies, and reports that guide the implementation of the California English Learner Roadmap and other core initiatives for educating English learners.
Dr. Jennifer Love gave information on Prince George’s County Public Schools’ extensive language access and equity services and resources.
Guest Presentations
California’s Approach Toward Educating Multilingual Learners
Supporting our International Students and Families
MSDE Presentation
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: Multilingual Learners (ML) Workgroup Presentation
Guiding Question:
How does Maryland identify, engage, and instruct dual language learners in early childhood settings?
MSDE staff provided information on state and local policies, practices, and programs for young multilingual learners in early childhood settings. The data deep dive focused on statewide results on the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment.
Guest Speaker
Lorena Mancilla, Director of WIDA Early Years, presented on the national dual language learner landscape and the lack of guidance or policy at the federal, state, and local level on what data is collected on young children who have exposure to a language other than English in their home environment.
Guest Presentation
Dual Language Learner Landscape: What We Know and What We Need
MSDE Presentation
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: Multilingual Learners (ML) Workgroup Presentation
Guiding Question:
What is the state of multilingual learners in Maryland?
MSDE staff shared background information on MLs in Maryland for the Workgroup to consider as they develop recommendations to educate multilingual learners in the state. Key data included demographic information, school experience, and performance of MLs.
MSDE Presentation
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: Multilingual Learners (ML) Workgroup Presentation